All the formatting

This is a normal paragraph. It uses a slightly larger text size than body copy in the rest of the site. Technically this is 1.1x regular size. This is slightly smaller than the paragraph size on the "brick wall" news page, which is 1.2x.

Heading 2

Heading 1 and Heading 2 within articles are "downsized" in the style of H3s throughout the rest of the site, though without the small caps. I'm honestly not sure where this style came from, but Joe likes it.

Heading 1 and Heading 2 within articles are "downsized" in the style of H3s throughout the rest of the site, though without the small caps. I'm honestly not sure where this style came from, but Joe likes it.

Empty paragraphs are removed.

Heading 3

Heading 3 is displayed as H7a, a small all-caps style. It hugs the paragraph below as a section heading.

Another Heading 3

Here's another one just to make sure that the spacing works. One never knows with these things. HTML is a fickle beast sometimes.

Laura Worthington logo
Images fill the width of the text block, with optional caption below. The caption is specified by clicking the image in the editor and entering something in the Caption field

Here's another paragraph below the image to see what this looks like.

Other stuff

Here is all the other formatting.

Above you see a "ornamental horizontal rule" which is currently entered by adding the "Line" function in the tool bar, and then editing the code to turn the <hr> into <hr class="ornament">. I will figure out a friendly way to do this eventually.

On the other hand, above is the regular horizontal line.

Links look like this. There's also superscript and subscript should those ever be needed.

Unordered list:

  • This is one item
  • This is another
    • This is a list inside the list
    • And this one has a link
  • This is another item at the top level

Ordered list:

  1. This is one item
  2. This is another
    1. This is a list inside the list
    2. And this one has a link
  3. This is another item at the top level